Use the comments or drop me an e-mail to vote.
Vote for one model only.
Don't forget to check out the post for the first time painters as well and vote there as well.
Votes will be counted until Monday March seventh. Winners will be posted on Tuesday
Categories will be
Best New Painter
Best Team
Best Individual UK Entry
Best Individual US Entry
Everybody who finished has an award on the way. Top finishers can expect a top reward in each catagory!
The models
Blood Angels Chaplain
Painted by Juha
John's favorite model
Skink Star Priest
Painted by Brian
Zaki's favorite model because "its such a unique piece in the range, always wanted to paint one although I never could do the model justice."
Painted by Austin
Chris's favorite model because "Space Freakin' Batman; the pose is amazing, super dynamic."
St. Celestine
Painted by Travis
Thomas's favorite model
Bard the Bowman
Painted by Golar
Peter's favorite model
Emperor's Champion (dawnstone)
Painted by Andre
Cameron's favorite model
The Necromancer Formally known as Kemmler
Painted by Steve
Ed's favorite model
SM librarian(yellow)
Painted by Daniel
Steve's favorite model
SM Librarian (purple)
Painted by Darcy
Yan's favorite model
Ork Mek
Painted by Cameron
Brian's favorite model
Exalted Hero of Slaanesh formerly Known as Sigvald the Magnificent
Painted by Zaki
Ryan's favorite model
Witch Hunter
Painted by Dave
Travis's favorite model
Dark Elf Sorceress
Painted by Ryan
Andre's favorite model
Eversor Assassin (pink)
Painted by Chris
Scott's favorite model
Painted by Thomas
Patrick's favorite model
Wight King
Painted by Ed
Derek's favorite model
Painted by peter
Golar's favorite model
Wight King with Black Axe formerly known as Krell
Painted by BJB
Matt's favorite model
You may have noticed that your favorite model was pictured.
A number of participants had life happen and weren't able to complete their models for the deadline.
As fellow humans we should have compassion for them. As fellow hobbyists it is our right to mock them for not being able to paint someones favorite model.
A couple of people have said they feel bad they weren't able to finish and are still working hard on doing justice to a fellow hobbyists favorite model and representing their country. I will post these models as they come through in a separate thread.
You can vote in the comments below or send me an email. Voting is open through Monday March 7th and the winners will be announced on Tuesday March 8th.
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!
Had a great time doing the model. Will do it again on the next one. - Brian Taylor